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Trying to rescue a condition when previous steps are not run due to the if statement #25548

Answered by weide-zhou
y4m4p asked this question in Actions
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The job status check functions ‘success(), failure()…’ only check the previous step status in the job. As a workaround, please set the ‘outputs’ for the 1st step, and check the value with ‘if’ in the behind steps. Code sample as below:

    name: Something something
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: set output
        id: step1
        run: |
          echo ::set-output name=status::failure
        continue-on-error: true
  - name: Notify slack when success
    if: steps.step1.outputs.status == 'success'
    run: |
      echo "Success!"
  - name: Notify slack when it not run
    if: steps.step1.outputs.status != 'success'
    run: |
      echo "Something w…

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