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Test in Docker container fails with error 137 indicating a probable memory leak #25492

Answered by BrightRan
vishucrafts asked this question in Actions
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Error 137 in Docker denotes that the container was killed by ‘OOM killer’ (Out of Memory). This happens when there isn’t enough memory in the container for running the process.
The 2 main out-of-memory reasons:

  1. Docker container has run out of memory
    By default, Docker containers use the available memory in the host machine. To prevent a single container from abusing the host resources, there may be some memory limits set for per container on the virtual machines of GitHub-hosted runners.
    It is important not to allow a running container to consume too much of the host machine’s memory.

  2. Docker host has no free memory
    Each virtual machine of GitHub-hosted runner has the same har…

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