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Splendid ! #22645

Answered by lee-dohm
Gluups asked this question in New to GitHub
Sep 13, 2018 · 4 comments
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This latest error is basically saying that you:

  1. Created a Git repository with a history A-B-C (on GitHub)
  2. Created a Git repository with a history X-Y-Z (locally)
  3. Then told Git to push history X-Y-Z onto A-B-C

Because there’s no common point of reference, Git can’t figure out in an automated fashion what it is likely you want. So the error is suggesting that you pull the A-B-C history down, manually sort out what you want, and then push the result back up.

Or the faster way would possibly be to delete the repository on GitHub, create a new one with no contents, then push your local contents up to the new repository.

I hope that helps!

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