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How to configure Dependabot to ONLY create PRs for private registry updates #26685

Closed Answered by mellis481
mellis481 asked this question in Actions
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Hilariously, I found an answer shortly after re-opening this discussion and it involves basically tricking Dependabot. Reading through the Dependabot documentation, I said to myself "If only I could have multiple entries under updates, I could define the rules I want to." The problem, though, is that there can only be one entry per package ecosystem under updates. It turns out that that's not exactly true. Uniqueness is determined in a composite manner using package-ecosystem and directory. This allows for there to be different configurations for mono repos. In any event, my repo isn't a mono repo, but I was able to get the following to work using technically different, but functionally t…

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Answer selected by mellis481
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