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Difference in counting the number of rules from GIT #24429

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But the problem is there are some files say F1.dslr and F2.dslr in Folder1 and Folder2 respectively.

Previuosly F1.dslr file was in Folder1 but now it is moved to Folder 2.

So when I’m counting the files by that command, it shows the F1.dslr file is in both Folder 1&2.

The reason for this is that you started your command with git log --numstat. This produces the list of every change that has ever been made to your git repository, including every file that does or ever has existed in your repo. If you only want the files that currently exist in your repository, then you should use the ls command just like you would with any other directory. Or if you really only want to see the files…

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