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Difference between "updated_at" and "pushed_at" in repositories list response #24442

Answered by Wabri
docc46 asked this question in API and Webhooks
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Hi @docc46,

Welcome to the Github Community Forum!

Hi, can I get more detailed info on what’s the difference between these two fields in

pushed_at will be updated any time a commit is pushed to any of the repository’s branches.

updated_at will be updated any time the repository object is updated, e.g. when the description or the primary language of the repository is updated. The difference is that pushed_at represents the date and time of the last commit, whereas the updated_at represents the date and time of the last change the the repository. A change to the repository might be a commit, but it may also be other things, such as changing the description of the repo, creating wiki pages…

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